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Water analysis information

Request water analysis for your drinking water, well water and pool water. 

With IVARIO's simple test kits, having your water analysed is fast and inexpensive. The process is incredibly straightforward:

Simply order the analysis kit of your choice and take the sample at home with the help of the step-by-step instructions (sample instructions). After the lab has received your sample, testing should take between three and seven days (depending on the test specialisation). Your water samples are examined using cutting-edge technology in accredited water testing laboratories only. You receive your test results online - or upon request, by post.

The water analysis is conducted in accordance with the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations.

Many private well users require an officially certified analysis in accordance with the Water Supply Regulations. For this, the sample must be taken by qualified personnel. IVARIO has an extensive network of certified staff who are specially trained to take drinking water samples. We are there to support you throughout the whole water testing processBenefit from our experience and competence. For more information and an individual offer, click here. 

If you would like to carry out water testing on the water in your home, take a look at the different test kits which we have compiled and compared for you on our test kit comparison page. Whether it be a simple Lead and Copper Test Kit or our popular Combined Test Kit (incl. parameters nitrite & nitrate) - here at IVARIO you are guaranteed to find the appropriate kit to suit your needs. On the test kit comparison page you can see at a glance which kits are right for you. 

Why is water testing so important?

The water supplied by UK water companies is closely monitored, all the way from extraction through to treatment and finally supply, so clean water should be a guarantee. Nevertheless, there are hidden dangers lurking in your home.

In 99% of cases, contamination originates in the home drinking water supply and remains unnoticed. To provide safety and protect infants and young children in particular, IVARIO offers home water testing kits that can be used by both private consumers and other institutions like nurseries and medical practices. 

The presence of heavy metals and bacteria in drinking water can be especially dangerous for young children and infants. However, even healthy consumers can suffer from the consequences of contamination in the long run. If the values exceed those prescribed in the drinking water regulations, long-term health effects may occur. A water analysis helps you identify problems related to your water quality and avoid potential health problems.

Lead water analysis: responsibility of landlords and property owners

UK water companies almost always supply exceptionally good water. There is, however, a clear "but". The duty they have to monitor drinking water ends at the property boundary. As soon as the tap water makes its way into home plumbing systems, the responsibility for the cleanliness of the water is passed onto the property owner. 

Water testing is essential because the quality of the water may be under threat, especially during the last stage when water travels into the home water supply. Lead pipes are a common culprit, but nickel, nitrate and a variety of other substances should be tested for too. Landlords frequently do not fulfil their obligation to carry out checks. To make sure that your drinking water is not contaminated, a water analysis is essential.

Well water analysis - duty and necessity

Many private well users require an officially certified analysis in accordance with the Water Supply Regulations. For this, the sample must be taken by qualified personnel. IVARIO has an extensive network of certified staff who are specially trained to take drinking water samples. We are there to support you throughout the whole testing process. Benefit from our experience and competence. 


Well water analysis: your duty to monitor water

Home water test kits provide assurance when it comes to your well water. The well user has a legal responsibility to ensure perfect water quality in compliance with the Water Supply Regulations, especially when it is supplied as drinking water to a third party (e.g to tenants). Consequently, well water testing is essential. However, even when there is no legal obligation because the well water is not supplied to a third party, well users should test their water to make sure. Water that is drawn from a private well does not undergo the same strict checks as water provided by water companies. In many cases for example, nitrate is found in well water.

Do you use your well water exclusively to water your garten? Then a water analysis is more important than you might think. In fact, harmful substances that may occur in the water can make it via this route onto and into food that is consumed by you and your loved ones. To ensure that you can continue to eat the fruit and vegetables you have grown without a second thought, an analysis of your well water should be a part of your routine.


Water analysis costs: professional testing doesn't have to break the bank

Many people shy away from tap water testing in a laboratory because they assume the costs will be huge. Because health should be a priority and everyone should have the option to carry out water testing, we have decided to keep the costs as low as possible for consumers, without sacrificing quality or customer service. Get to know us and more importantly, your drinking water!


Carry out water testing and analysis yourself - fast and easy assurance!

With IVARIO's simple test kits, having your water analysed is fast and inexpensive. The process is incredibly straightforward:

Simply order the test kit of your choice or a test kit which has been customised to suit your individual needs, and take the sample at home with the help of the step-by-step instructions (it's this easy). After the lab has received your sample, testing should take between five and ten days, depending on the test specialisation. Your water samples are examined using cutting-edge technology in accredited water testing laboratories only. You receive your test results online - or upon request, in the post.

Decide yourself which parameters should be examined

If you would like to test the water in your home, choose the appropriate test kit (Go to test kit comparison). Whether it be a simple Lead and Copper Test Kit or our popular Combined Test Kit (incl. parameters nitrite & nitrate), with IVARIO you are guaranteed to find the right kit to suit your needs. IVARIO - we test your water.

Water Testing Kits for Home Sampling

Professional Laboratory Analysis for Your Health


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